Saturday, 25 October 2014

23 Things About 23

Hi guys!

So it's been a while since this darling old blog had a personal touch from yours truly. So I decided, on account of my 23rd birthday yesterday, to grace you laptops, desktops and other smart devices with this oddball.

  1. I am no less stupid than I was 48-ish hours ago.
  2. On the upside, that must mean I am also no less clever!
  3. In fact, I am positive that I am more clever because you learn new things everyday right?
  4. That doesn't mean I have stopped making mistakes though. 
  5. I feel like I'm at a point in my life where everything is about to take off. 
  6. I feel more ready that ever to begin something new. 
  7. I'm probably just riding the birthday high.
  8. Nothing is exactly the same, yet nothing has really changed.
  9. I have many bad habits I wish to put a permanent stop to. 
  10. I need to learn to be even more honest with myself.
  11. I can now no longer use the excuse of being too young, not that I ever really did.
  12. I think it's about time I started believing in myself. There are certain things I'm good at. There is no crime in admitting that.
  13. I have come a long way. God has been beyond faithful. Nothing I can say or do is thanks enough.
  14. The circle of life.
  15. At 23, I had better learn to fight my own battles in my own clean way.
  16. This next year of my life is about to be the mother of all learning curves, testing my patience, humility and common sense, hopefully with the potential of personal and promotional growth. Lord see me through. 
  17. I'm learning day by day that God has not given me the spirit of fear and so I tread boldly. 
  18. Opening myself up to love was the best decision I ever made. Though I was scared to begin with and I've been hurt, I have no regrets. 
  19. More God, less social's becoming rather problematic.
  20. I need to learn to find God in every situation, quite frankly.
  21. I'm really rather selfish.
  22. I take for granted the fact that I have people around me who are willing to go 5 extra miles on my behalf if necessary.
  23. The simple knowledge that I am loved will suffice for those days when things are just too difficult. 
My pledge for this 23rd year is simple: to leave people's lives better off than how it was when I was introduced into it, if only marginally. 

Thanks for indulging me as always!

Thursday, 9 October 2014

David Zinyama | Putting the Personality Back Into Graphics.

David Zinyama
David Zinyama is an artist with a personality that he isn’t afraid to show in his work. His graphics design portfolio ranges from the creative and innovative to the comical and mildly disturbing. He is an explorative risk taker with a wild imagination who loves pushing the envelope. “I love to break rules, I’m sure all designers do. I would say life inspires me, people, even a book or article in the newspaper or online. I am easily inspired because I am always thinking and observing my surroundings.” It was during his A-levels in Business Studies, Sociology, Economics, English language, English Literature and Philosophy that David decided that graphics design was, in fact, his true calling. “I knew taking the academic route wasn’t for me and I decided to pursue my passion for design, which is something that has become a full time career as well as a business.” He was only 16 years old.

With six A-levels to focus on, David didn’t have time for a formal graphics design education; he is self-taught. Yet, his short career spanning over 7 years has taken him from the city of Liverpool in North West England, to a portfolio of international clients and growing fame. He taught himself in true 21st Century style – through YouTube tutorials and reading up on his craft. His consistent practice helped him develop all he learnt into the magic we see today. But that wasn’t the beginning for David, who started as a MySpace era musician. “I used to produce and write my own music. So I would design my own CD covers. But I can say it all kicked off for me when my peers and those around me saw that I had some skill. Although I wasn’t that great, they still approached me. I would offer my services and charge a small fee. The more I designed, the better I got and the more clients I generated. People began taking interest. That was when I decided I would love to take it seriously, so I dropped music.” David took a risk, leaving something he was once passionate about for something in which, by his own admission, he was barely competent. He knew what he had to do to develop his skills and he did it. 

Although his career is only just truly beginning, it hasn’t been without incredible moments. “The invention of the social network Instagram has to have been the most remarkable turning point so far in my life and career. Being able to have the platform to show people what I can do as a digital artist has opened a lot of doors and opportunities for me, especially by growing my international clientele.” This year he was honoured with a TED Talks invitation, although he was unable to attend. “I have had the pleasure of working with the large organizations throughout the UK, as well as breaking through to other countries and getting recognition in the past year. This has expanded my business in so many ways.”

Shark bait

Relationships by David Zinyama
David’s manipulations have made him infamous with some entertainment bloggers. He has been known to Photoshop himself into the pictures of celebrities such as Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian and Michelle Obama, usually as their significant other. He believes that people who react adversely to these manipulations have misunderstood the motives behind his pieces. “As a manipulator, I have work that is serious and work that is just for fun. I’m sure the two can be distinguished. People have seen a side of me that they like, be that my original work or a celebrity image I have manipulated just for laughs. So I do not feel it will overshadow my work because I keep the balance between my original work and the work involving celebrities. Even if it does overshadow my work, it is not much of a concern for me because my celebrity manipulations will always lead back to my other work due to the viewer’s curiosity.” 

Bible-Pray by David Zinyama
Pray for Gaza by David Zinyama

But beyond his tongue in cheek manipulations, David has a serious side.  In regards to his social, political and religious consciousness he says that people have different views and perceptions, and he is no exception. “Sometimes in my work I like to show my love for God or put my religious thoughts forwards. At the end of the day it is what makes me who I am.” He believes that including these aspects of himself in his work allows viewers and fans to get to know him more as a person. “Everyone is different and I love to interact with viewers through my visuals. It is also a way of getting to know them as much as they already know me.”

Digital Eye by David Zinyama
 For more information on David Zinyama and his work find him on: 
Instagram: @davidzinyama
Twitter: @davidzinyama