Saturday, 5 February 2011


I'm not bout to preach at you guys but it kinda felt necessary to do this :D

I've gone through life holding on to a lot of things that people have done to me in the past. Yes I've been hurt and I would be a hypocrite if i say i have never held a grudge. But I was in church on new years eve and the pastor made a point about forgiveness. We all gathered that night and prayed for the spirit of forgiveness as we entered into the new year.

Granted, it's easier said than done. But in that very moment I realised that I was burning up energy, bottling up irrelevant emotions.

Not everyone is religious so this isn't just about religion. It's about making yourself feel better. Whether you admit it or not, these people have significant power over you because you waste your energy being angry at them. No one is worth that much hassle. You spend so much time being angry at them...and the chances are half these people probably don't remember you or the incident.

It takes longer for some than others. But as long as you do it eventually it doesn't really matter. Just know that the longer you wait, the longer it eats away at you

It's your call :D

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