People think “I love you” are the words that express the most emotions, understandably. But in an age where the phrase is often overused, and wrongly so, I think we can safely assume that there are some variations that are more powerful. For example I recently heard this one: “It’s a different feeling isn’t it, when you’re touched by someone who loves you?” For me, not only is that powerful, it’s unique. One phrase that is often underestimated though is this one:
How many of us have ever said this? Or better still, how many have had this said to them? I admit I have said it before, and I meant it when I said it. But we say a lot in the heat of the moment without realizing its impact.
Before I go further, I must admit, I am a true believer in the use of “I love you” when it is applied properly and used appropriately, not just flung around willy nilly. But I also believe there are many other great phrases that remain unexplored, like the aforementioned I will wait for you. Which ever way you choose to spin it, the meaning is clear and simple; you’re telling this person that you are committed, that no matter how long you are apart you shall patiently (and often celibately) await your reunion. That’s a big commitment to see through. Much like I love you these words are powerful and often used in the heat of the moment and often regretted later. Here you are, bound by the most uncertain of vows, and yet feeling an obligation to see them through to the end. Turning to someone after making such a vow and then saying what essentially amounts to, “I’m not as patient as I thought I could be and moreover you aren’t really worth the wait”, is one of the most devastating ways to shatter ones perception of romance.
Essentially, what this entire ramble comes down to is this. We use words without considering their meanings and impacts. We throw heavy words around serious conversations and expect that no damage will ever be done. But even the most advanced bulletproof vest couldn’t shield you from the impact of words.