Monday, 26 March 2012

The power of words

People think “I love you” are the words that express the most emotions, understandably. But in an age where the phrase is often overused, and wrongly so, I think we can safely assume that there are some variations that are more powerful. For example I recently heard this one: “It’s a different feeling isn’t it, when you’re touched by someone who loves you?” For me, not only is that powerful, it’s unique. One phrase that is often underestimated though is this one:
How many of us have ever said this? Or better still, how many have had this said to them? I admit I have said it before, and I meant it when I said it. But we say a lot in the heat of the moment without realizing its impact.
Before I go further, I must admit, I am a true believer in the use of “I love you” when it is applied properly and used appropriately, not just flung around willy nilly.  But I also believe there are many other great phrases that remain unexplored, like the aforementioned I will wait for you. Which ever way you choose to spin it, the meaning is clear and simple; you’re telling this person that you are committed, that no matter how long you are apart you shall patiently (and often celibately) await your reunion. That’s a big commitment to see through. Much like I love you these words are powerful and often used in the heat of the moment and often regretted later. Here you are, bound by the most uncertain of vows, and yet feeling an obligation to see them through to the end. Turning to someone after making such a vow and then saying what essentially amounts to, “I’m not as patient as I thought I could be and moreover you aren’t really worth the wait”, is one of the most devastating ways to shatter ones perception of romance.
Essentially, what this entire ramble comes down to is this. We use words without considering their meanings and impacts. We throw heavy words around serious conversations and expect that no damage will ever be done. But even the most advanced bulletproof vest couldn’t shield you from the impact of words.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Stabbings in England

I know I don't live in England anymore but the truth is I still have a lot of ties there. England is home to me in many ways, not that this fact makes me less Nigerian. Yesterday I got some bad news. A close friend of mine got stabbed by another close friend. He had to go to the hospital for about three days and only just got out yesterday. At first I was so shocked that I could barely type. And then I was crying without realising and repeating 'oh no' to myself like that would make a difference! I mean these people mean a lot to me, they are practically family and in the unlikely case that I am making a least of the most likey to get stabbed out of all my friends, their names wouldn't come out at the top!

So I spent most of yesterday confused and afraid for a friend who very nearly lost his life and no longer feels safe in his own home. Reality slapped me harder than it has in a while and I realised how unprepared I was to lose a loved one. Also, it taught me forgiveness, because my friend is willing to forgive the person who did this to him and I know I wouldn't be that willing. I mean I'm a forgiving person but I also love my life, contrary to popular belief.

Anyhow in some ways this event is the wake up call I needed, to live life to the fullest but not necessarily to throw caution to the wind. I hope you all take this initiative as well; it's a lesson well learned.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Random Update

Well the last few days have been mellow to say the least. Saturday night I had no sleep and I had a test at 9:45am Sunday I had a bit of a marathon but luckily today I had a late start so I could pass out :)

And no you didn't read that wrong; I do have to drag my butt out of bed on Sundays to go to school...
In Dubai (and I think other middle eastern countries, not sure) the weekend is Friday and Saturday because their Friday is their holy day of course. So therefore the week starts on Sunday :/ I know, I can't get used to it either...

Also I was supposed to submit something for a creative writing competition, but I missed the deadline because I have a lot of work to do.

I really need to find a way to live without sleep

It feels good to be back :)

Emeli Sande - Read All About It Part 3

you've got the words to change a nation but you're biting your tongue

Friday, 16 March 2012

I think you are owed an update

For anyone who actually was interested in this blog, I am sorry I didn't nurture it as much as I should have.

But today feels like a good day to let you know how life has been.

2010 was a tough year for me and 2011 started much in the same way. I more or less dropped out of Cardiff uni under the pretense of a gap year. I want to say I didn't achieve anything in that year but that would be a lie...a lot that was broken in my life got fixed to the glory of God. So 2011 went from bad to awesome pretty quickly. That isn't to say the journey wasn't difficult, because it was. By the end of 2011 I had revisited the motherland, Nigeria, for the 1st time in 6 years. And most importantly I was back in uni...only this time I'm in Dubai!

All honesty, it's over rated but I'm loving can't complain...much. Now I'm coming towards the end of my first year and it is all very exciting. In the past few months I taking a step closer to overcoming stage fright, won a creative writing competition (my 1st ever might I add) and made some really amazing friends.

So glory be to God.