Thursday, 17 May 2012

Here, too dark. How you can study?

My mind admittedly works in a strange fashion. I make connections in my head where normal people probably wouldn’t.
I was sitting outside one night with my pen and my book in my hands, when a security guard at my accommodation at the time asked me a question that made more sense than anything else at that moment.
“Here, too dark,” he began. “How you can study?”
I smiled sheepishly at first, confused because I had no answer for a seemingly simple question. Fortunately he required none because he left as soon as he finished speaking. Then I did something I think I should do more often. I closed the book and dropped it on the table next to the pen. I couldn’t see clearly, so I just stopped. I wasn’t giving up; I just wasn’t being my usual stubborn self. I let go, temporarily of course, because I realised that when you are left in the dark, no matter what else you know there can be no real achievement of clarity; you only know half the story after all.
So you have two options:
·         Move into the light; discover the truth.
·         Stay in the dark and let go [until you are ready or able to try the former, of course].

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Victory Cry (Prod. by Mista Caddy) - Embassy Crew

This is a song my friends in Dubai just released...what do u guys think?? If you like it, please share it :)
Click here to view and enjoy :)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Notice ME

My parents practically banned all forms of vernacular in our household to the best of my memory. Don't get me wrong, they encouraged us to indulge in our culture and speak our language but English first, because they aligned it to education. So in the end we could barely speak our mother tongues fluently and we were never allowed to speak Pidgin English, which is a kind of Creole common amongst western Africans.

Yet children often pick things up from school. One of these many linguistic strays I picked up would be the colloquial terms used by my peers to tease attention seekers. Notice me. Feelamonge. These two I remember fondly. They were one of those things that left you terribly hurt whenever you were on the receiving end of them, though you never really knew why. Even now, I think I would bite the head clean off anyone bold enough to accuse me of seeking attention. I remember the sting of choked tears at the back of my throat when someone I was quite fond of reminded me, with no shortage of nonchalance, that the world didn't in fact revolve around me.

Yet to some extent I know that I am. My blogging is proof. My social networking is proof. My interaction with friends and acquaintances is proof. So I begin to wonder: is it a sign of our times, a stigma on our generation? Are we cursed to constantly feel like we are incomplete, incompetent and therefore need to feed of off the attention we can scrape together from others, all the while feigning innocence and humility? Or is it just me? It's probably just me...but then again, I suppose it goes back to the cliche about no man being an island, because in all honesty, who amongst us can survive alone?