Monday, 16 April 2012

He's Gone to Hong Kong

I love to easily and fall too hard...that's always been my problem!

I suppose I should start by informing you that there is a he...a pretty amazing he if you ask me; what do I know?? I'm biased!
Anyway he exists and he is a beautiful mind, with amazing insight on everything. Now as a sapiosexual find his mind to be one of the most attractive things since Samuel Johnson's dictionary.
We've been dating for a while and I think it's definitely a good sign that I have taken things surprisingly slow with him. It could have been slower, no doubt. But this is the slower I have ever gone and I commend myself if no one else will.
Unfortunately, or fortunately as you choose to look at it, he is in Hong Kong for the week. Alongside a team of three other apparent brainiacs, he plans to dazzle a roomful of people and I'll miss it...and I'll miss him more than I actually thought I would in all honesty. I already checked and found that he will get there at 2 am my time and 6 am HK time...
Well that's it. Just needed to share that with my keyboard.
Au revoir 
My Loves


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. I have no words, really. I'm kinda happy, but also a little sad...? Take care of your heart, dear <3

  2. Lol why so sad china he'll be back soon :) i miss him tho lol
