Thursday, 10 January 2013

Throwing The Odd Tantrum For World Peace

Sometimes I overreact in regards to things that people usually don't take that seriously. A lot of the time I actually don't care. I just feel the need to put someone in their place.

This may sound a little strange but I concluded a while back that some people in life need to be reminded of the fragility of their' relationship' with you, otherwise they'll take advantage of the situation.

Case in point. Someone makes a comment that is kind of rude but not offensive enough for me to have a fit. I have a fit anyway so next time the person knows that I might react adversely to a similar or more sever comment. It's not because I care about the comment; rather it's to avoid future insults.

In actuality, I take a lot of things people say or do with a pinch of salt for my peace of mind and well being!!

With that that in mind...

Pet peeve of the day: Dubai Taxis

  1. Why are you a taxi driver if you "apparently" don't know anywhere and are also unable or unwilling to use your little gadget map thingy that I've heard so much about but never actually seen??
  2. Why oh why do you stop to give other drivers directions (insert ironic chuckle here) when the metre is running?? Are they going to pay your fare because I sure won't!!
I think it's fair to say that I am aware that none of these are that serious but I just wanted to put it out there. 

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